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Residential Garbage

Pick up frequency: 
WEEKLY; your address dictates your pickup day. This information will be given to you when you call to set up service. Please have your garbage cart at the curbside before 6 am the day of service.

Extra Garbage: 
If you have extra garbage you need collected we will be happy to pick it up. Please bag your excess garbage and tie it off and set it two feet away from your garbage cart. For costs on extras, please contact our office at (503) 648-4219

NOTE: If your garbage cart is heaped above the cart rim you will be charged as if you had an extra bag. Heaped cans can lead to garbage spilling out of the can as it is lifted into the truck. Additionally, it can spill over the top of the truck and fall to the ground on the other side of the vehicle which could cause injury to persons nearby or property damage.

Please do not over pack your garbage into the cart. It can become overweight and the garbage lodged into the cart so as it will not fall out when the cart is dumped. Possible additional charges will result when requesting a run back to dump the half empty cart.

Garbage cart street side placement Information

Place your garbage cart either on the curb edge closest to the street or in the street back against the curb with the lid opening facing the street. Please observe the following clearance criteria to assure your carts are serviced and that the possibility of property damage is minimized.

  • 18 feet of overhead clearance for your garbage cart(s) is essential as the service vehicles lift the carts overhead to remove the contents.
  • 5 feet of space in between each cart and recycle bin/container allows the service vehicle enough space to lower the pickup arm in between each cart. Without this space the arm is unable to reach around the cart.
  • 18 feet of space between the cart and any tree, automobile or basketball hoop assures that the mechanical arm or cart does not come into contact with any object that could sustain serious damage.
  • 5 feet of space between the cart and any mailbox(es) prevents the mechanical arm from damaging the mailbox.

Need to setup new service? ​

Click here to find out how to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

If for some reason your garbage, recycling, or yard debris is missed, please call our office at (503) 648-4219 as soon as possible. If your pick up was missed by our driver, we will return for pick up either the next day or the next collection day with no charge for extras. If the pick up was missed due to the customer not having the can out, there will be an extra charge to return for the pick up.

For environmental and safety purposes, do not dispose of hazardous waste in your garbage can. Call Metro Hotline at (503) 234-3000 for disposal information. Click the following link to visit Metro’s hazardous waste collection events information web page:

Paint Cans: Containers must be empty, completely dried out, with the lids off.

Motor Oil: See recycling. Place used motor oil in a see-through container, such as a milk jug with a secure lid.

Antifreeze, Batteries, Aerosol Products, Fluorescent light Fixtures, Household Cleaning Products, Pesticides or herbicides, paints, thinners, or solvents, fertilizers or poisons. Call Metro Hotline at 234-3000 for disposal information. NO COMPUTERS, MONITORS or TVs. As of January 1, 2010, Oregon law prohibits the disposal of computers, monitors and TVs in the garbage or at disposal sites such as landfills, transfer stations and incinerators. The Oregon E-Cycles program provides FREE recycling of computers, monitors and televisions to anyone with seven or fewer items to recycle at a time. For more information and participating collection sites near you visit or call 1-888-532-9253

Our office will be closed on Monday May 29, 2023 for Memorial Day but our drivers will still be on route.

For More Information please call (503) 648-4219

Due to road conditions and safety concerns we are closed Friday, February 14th. All Friday customers will be collected Saturday, February 15th if road conditions improve. Please check back for updates.

For More Information Please Call (503) 648-4219

Drop Box Height Configuration

10 Yard Drop Box Configuration

Generally used for heavy materials such as dirt or concrete.

Materials CANNOT protrude above the top edge of the box.

20 Yard Drop Box Configuration

Generally used for composite roofing waste materials and construction/demolition

Materials CANNOT protrude above the top edge of the box. Extremely heavy materials cannot excede the heavy load limit line.

30 Yard Drop Box Configuration

Generally used for large construction sites and lighter, bulkier materials.

Materials CANNOT protrude above the top edge of the box.

40 Yard Drop Box Configuration

Generally used for large construction sites and large, light-weight materials.

Materials CANNOT protrude above the top edge of the box.